Located in Raleigh, NC...
A few things about me
1. I love to meet new people! These relationships have fueled my small business since it started in 2010. I strive to individualize each shoot and capture the personality of each person, couple, or family by creating a comfortable, natural environment. I hope to end every shoot with both beautiful images and new friends!
2. I am Married to the best Filmographer on Earth. Sharing this connection with my partner is where most of my personal photography comes from. You will see he is a model often- You can say he is my muse. Below you will see a portfolio Reel he so kindly made me that walks you through an introduction to my business.
2. I am Married to the best Filmographer on Earth. Sharing this connection with my partner is where most of my personal photography comes from. You will see he is a model often- You can say he is my muse. Below you will see a portfolio Reel he so kindly made me that walks you through an introduction to my business.
3. I am an Art Educator, teaching high school visual arts in North Carolina. Even though Photography has my heart, I love all forms of art. This is especially true for sculpture and painting as you can see in my "personal," album.
3. I am an Art Educator, teaching high school visual arts in North Carolina. Even though Photography has my heart, I love all forms of art. This is especially true for sculpture and painting as you can see in my "personal," album.
Please feel free to browse through and contact me with any questions ,bookings, or just to get to know me more! I hope I am the perfect fit for capturing your memories.
Bekah Morton Wade, Owner
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